What a day!!!!

First of all, some back ground...

I had phoned Human Resources, with the school board, yesterday to see what my options were on how to get back on contract and if it was possible given that I had resigned and then restarted straight away on the sub list.  They were closed for the day and so I left a message.  They phoned me back at 7:45 am this morning and said that I may not have a chance with the EA III position because I lost all my seniority, but would I be interested in an EA II position again.  I said sure!  They then asked if I wanted to go to this one certain school and I just laughed and said that was kinda funny because this is the school that this one certain principal is at really wants me there and has been bugging me to get my application in there for an EA III position!  So... they said that they would see what they could do for me and because of my reputation (which they assured was a good one) they would do what they could and phone me later.  Well I just happened to be at that certain school today subbing and I told them I would be there.  They just laughed and said it was fate.  

I went to the school and talked to the principal and told her about the phone call and she was excited and awaiting there call to see if she was interested.  At 3 pm... I got called to the principals office and was offered the job!!!!  I am back on full contract starting in the new school year!  And get this... the EA that caused me a bunch of grief that was supposed to be at the school?  Let's just say that the story was embellished by someone and that she only had an EA II position and she was moved there without her requesting it.  And the next best news?  Her name was taken off of the list for my new school and mine was put on. :D  I don't mean to sound mean or anything but I felt wonderful!!!  After all the things that some of these ladies did or did not do for me through the years, it is about time that things went a bit against one of them.  Requested move or not, her posting next year is still up in the air. :)  What comes around goes around...

So... I am all excited sharing my news with everyone and then I look at my big fish tank.  One koi is down... then my huge one, then my German one.... and it went on.... I only have one koi left and 2 goldfish!!!!!  It was sudden and I am not too sure what happened as I never have had problems... my son then told me he fed the fish before I came home....  He is usually pretty good but something happened.  All my prize ones are gone. :(  My husband just came home and took them out for me because I just could not do it.  I rushed around trying to save who I could but they just kept dropping.  This all happened within the first 30 mins of getting home.  They were all alive and swimming around when I first arrived home.

So now I am a bit sore, the work part did not bug it, but rushing around did it in.  I guess I will not be going for a walk tonight now.

So now you have heard about my day.   As for school (university) I am just going to take nursing classes as I can and I will have to drop out of the program that starts in the fall.  We just can't afford it this year.  I will be earning a good income again so maybe I can catch up again with the finances.

Food wise things were doing well but I am unsure of what is going to happen tonight.  On one side of the equation I want to celebrate, but on the other I just want to cry...


Anonymous said...

Aww...sorry to hear about your Koi. That is strange!Wonder why?

I finally got a chance to drop in and catch up! Glad to see your knee is improving and your able to do your walking!

Congrats on the contract! I'm a total believer in what goes around comes around!Sounds like you deserved that position and now it's your turf!!!! LOL

JavaChick said...

So sorry about your fish. It does seem strange.

Congrats on the job though!

Tanya said...

Congrats on your job, I am very happy for you. Sounds like it was meant to be.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Congrats on the job! and i agree with you -- what goes around comes around... i'm happy for you. Sorry about the fish though. :(