A New Day...

:)  ... today is much better as I am getting a bit more mobile.

I forgot to mention to everyone that I was just told on Tuesday that I would hopefully be instructing a half marathon clinic.  I had mentioned prior to injury and going to England that I would do it and since I had not been there in a couple of weeks, the manager was unable to let me know that it was official.  So... I discussed this very carefully with my physiotherapist and she said as long as Thursday's appointment went well.  Today I went and saw her and I am allowed to do light biking for the time being as long as there is not any pains.  She said there may be some minor discomfort, but that would be normal.  She also gave me a couple of exercises and stretches to do and also to still rest in the mean time.  I have been given the OK for instructing the clinic!!!! Yeah!  So, off I went, bike loaded in the car to meet all my newbies. :)  They are going to be a wonderful group!  VERY understanding.  I must say one good thing about taking the bike along though... it makes it WAY easier to go between running groups of different speeds instead of trying to run back and forth between all of them. :)  I think I may have to take advantage of this biking thing as long as I can. lol  Good news is that during the group's first run tonight, I never had one bad discomfort the whole time!  Things are really looking up. :)  Still can't walk a straight line... but I can bike! 

Thanks everyone for all the best wishes! :)  I am not going to push it and I will be taking it on the easy side as long as I need to.  I would like to continue to run the rest of my life.  My physiotherapist says that maybe in a couple of weeks I might be able to start a walk/run program to get my legs used to it again and that is of course if all things continue to progress nicely... ;) There is a light at the end of the tunnel! 

Even though I was not running tonight, it still felt like I was part of it and really enjoyed meeting everyone.  It was quite a mood booster for me and right at the time that I needed it.  

OK... food wise... not so good today but on the water end though, I did quite well.  Tomorrow is a new day and reset button will be pushed. :)

Take care all!


Tanya said...

Thanks for your message. It was really sweet and made me tear up but in a good way.