Sooooo happy here for two reasons:
1) the streets have managed to clear up
2) tonight is my last night of hill training for my schedule
As I usually do my hills by myself on a Thurs since this Running Room location's 1/2 marathon clinic voted to do them on Thurs night instead of Wed night, which I used to do before this schedule, I am going to go to my old Running Room location to see if they are doing theirs tonight and hopefully run them with them. My weekly schedule has been rearranged this week due to the small fun race, 5k, on Sunday here. I also prefer to do them on Wed. :) So hopefully....
Thanks to everyone with the virtual push yesterday to get my butt out the door and do something about things. :) You helped me more than you could know... It was a great run and felt really good! The soaked shirt was a good indicator... lol And yes Stacie :)... I may have the mojo back! Froggie... still waiting for your report....
I was just reading an email this morning from the Saskatchewan Marathon Association and there are some really cool prize draws for all runners. Included in one of these draws is a new treadmill!!!!! Very doubtful that I would win the draw though... but wouldn't that be SWEET!!! :) I think I would be happier with that then some trip at this pt (another prize in the draw). Ahhhh... to only dream..... :)
See, I told you I was in a better mood. :) Scale moved back down a bit this morning and I have today and tomorrow to straighten things back out - and no I am not starving myself. lol I make sure I eat quite enough. :)
As I read the ww boards and other forums, I have found a great number of people wanting to learn to run. There has been questions about at what wt they can start at, how fast to go when running, what programs are out there... etc. So, I am going to keep a list of learn to run programs for people who are interested and would like to try things on their own. Sometimes someone may feel intimidated by asking or feel nervous about it. That is why I am doing this.
*note: I am not an expert runner by any means, I am just passing on some information to others that may wish to have it.
A couple of hints:
-if you are not close to even running for 30 secs yet, just use the faster/run parts as a faster, brisk walk, and the other, the walk part as a normal walk. Things will get easier for you. If you are finding you are out of breath - SLOW DOWN!!!!
-make sure you have your doctor's approval before starting
-make it comfortable and don't push yourself too hard
-stay relaxed, no clenching of fists
-get some good quality running shoes, if you can go and get fitted for some (not sportchek or sportmart!), but if that is the only place you have a choice of going to, well, just make sure that you are comfortable in them and take your time choosing a pair. Take as long as you need to and do not feel rushed. The best time to go is in the afternoon or later.
-I know I said don't push yourself, but I can not say that enough. Injuries happen when you push yourself and your program should be enjoyable. Speed comes later (if you want to progress further)
-water, water, water - just do not drink too much so you hear a sloshing sound - then you have gone too far. The water will help in the recovery and less soreness of your muscles, and keep you hydrated. Most people do not need to worry about things like gatoraide unless you are running/walking for around an hr. There are exceptions to this though, and you will know who you are.
-when you are doing the run/walk program of choice, and you feel that you are too tired, slow it down and maybe just walk the remainder of your time. You can always stay at the week level you are on until you are ready to move to the next level
-make the program work for you. Arrange it so it can fit in to your lifestyle.
-make sure you do not forget to STRETCH!!!
Well, that covers a couple of things that I thought someone may be nervous or feel stupid about asking. I started a walk/run program back when I was 224 lbs and had to take it really slow. I have made many mistakes and paid for it with injuries, but it was a true learning experience for me as I wish to never repeat. :) Even though you may do everything right, taking it on the slower side for example, injuries still can happen. These are often caused by body mechanic issues or need new or different shoes.
Here is a list of some learn to run programs (I will locate more) and this list will also be located on the side with links. (free) - popular, couch to 5k learn to run (there is also a podcast that goes with this from another site
-podrunner (free) - I found on itunes. Techno beat music, has a great warm up and cool down
-Running Room Learn to Run Program (fee) - if you have access to online or a store, great for meeting new people and good program (I did this one)
-Runner's World Magazine online - learn to run program, also very respectable
-(book) Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running - all questions answered and covers all levels from start to finish.
-(book) Running for Mortals - funny, great program
-(book) The Beginning Runner's Handbook - great learn to run program
The are also many others out there, but this is what came to mind to me right now and there will probably be more later on the side. Doing a google search for learn to run programs is another way to find one that may suite you. Just accommodate where needed. :)
Well, I guess that was a bit long winded today... see what happens when I am in a funk for a few days... I come back and my mind is just a racing. :)
Food wise, the rest of the day is planned and looking quite healthy - in fact.. really healthy. :) I have already downed 1 L of water here and going for some more.
I guess I have wrote my limit for the day... don't want to bore you all too much longer with my enthusiasm. :)
Now to go check in on Froggie-George... lol :) *waves*
run: 9 x hills/1:40:00 mins, last hill workout - done! :) felt really good, and getting stronger
You are doing awesome with your running. Yeah sorry I have been MIA for the last 4 days but with being off work I kind of slide but I am back on plan today. I am going to either go for a walk after work or a workout DVD. Tomorrow night is dinner out again for my grandparents 60th anniversary so I hope weigh in this week isn't too bad.
Good to see your out of the funk you were feeling! Thanks for the good luck on the dog walk. Good luck on yours too! I'm really excited and it's for a cause I love so yay! Great info on the running....I will copy and paste for when I'm it will be a while yet =)
I'm here!!!! And yes I did my workout :) I've decided that between 9 and 10 am is my workout time. I'll kick Tom out of the house so he can go do the farm thing and I'll head downstairs.
Something in my head was really psyching me out for some reason because after I did my tread today...I felt so much better. And I know that too so I'll just have to try to remember that feeling every morning. It's obviously my old "fatter" self poking thru :)
Are there any run/walk programs for people with disabilities?? I don't think I'm completely in that category yet but I know I do have my limitations.
Okay so have a great day :) And yes, I will do my weights later :) lol
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