My son is...

... going to run a race!!! :)  Well it is not really a race but the Canada Day Run by HBC is the one he is going to do.  I am doing the 10k, my husband is either doing the 3 or 10k, and my son is doing the kid's 1k.  He is pretty excited about it as he found out that you get a t-shirt and a medal for running it.  He is also pretty excited because his EA also decided she was going to do the 3k walk that day (a first event for her).  Late last night I also found out that some of my other relatives may do it with us too! (all varying the distance)  I am just super pleased with my son. :) *insert super really happy, beaming mom here* lol This is really going to boost his self-confidence. :)

Yesterday's bike ride went bad at the start - meaning I had to force him outside. :(  I was not happy about the forcing part as he was pretty mad at me for making him go outside, but I just know he needs to get out more.  So, by the time I got his bike adjusted for the ride, he was feeling better and when I went to go get mine... he hopped on his and rode on the driveway.  Pretty funny for a kid to say that he will need me to walk behind him until he is good again. :)  Let's just say he took me for a surprise!!! lol  So I hopped on mine and off we went.  I praised him soooooo much afterwards and let him phone everyone to say what he did.  He is now looking forward to today's bike ride later. :)  What I found was cute was that he figures this is part of his 'training' for his race on Canada Day. :)

Well, if you have not managed to read my post from yesterday yet (it was updated), I ended up going to hot yoga also...  I really did not push myself at all... but now my shoulder's are sore... :(
I hope this won't effect my run too much today...  I have 2 more passes that I have to use this week also now.  So it looks like Monday night and next Saturday will be happening.  I LOVE my hot yoga... it is just that I have been super busy here and going to it just before my long run I found out before is not such a 'hot' idea. :) (no pun intended) lol

Today is going to be a high of +21 and I am sooooo excited because I get to wear my running skirt today!!! :)  It is another 16k, and with the weather... it is going to be a warm run.

After my run, I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor with going for Dim Sum. :)  Of course I will choose wisely... :)

BBQ again tonight! :)  Last night I had my veggie-dog from the bar-b in 1 pc of a ww bread and the rest of the family had their 'regular' hotdogs and buns. :)  I didn't miss a thing and it was just like I was eating a 'regular' one but with way less pts. (like 2pts lol )

Later last night... I did have a bit of mindless munching going on though - not that bad though when I look back on it, it was just it was sooooo late when I ate it - taco's and nacho sauce!  7pts worth.  This is so weird this week because I am used to starting my ww week today with the pts resetting and now I only have like 20 left for the rest of the week!  Good thing about those APs! lol  I get enough of them.... :)

Well... off I go to get ready for my run! :)

Non-smoker! :)

run: 16.51km/1:53:22, starting temp +3 ended up being +11 and really sunny :), avg 179 bpm 6:52 mins/km, wore running skirt and long sleeve top (could have worn short sleeve), since this run was a second week in a row for going for 16k I did split up my run into 3 parts of long slow/faster than 1/2 marathon pace/1/2 marathon pace and sprinted to the end. :)  I feel great except for the shoulders that are a bit sore from the hot yoga yesterday, my avg pace per min is still slow for the required marathon pace that I want for my goal time, but was a great run!!! <-I have to remember that these are supposed to be long slow runs... and will be slower than my 1/2 marathon.... :blush:


Momma Bear said...

Good morning proud Momma! (I love it!) That's so neat that your son is following in his mom's footsteps! I would love for my son to do this someday! What a great example you are living!

I am so jealous that you have a running skirt. It sounds so cool. I want one. Oh, and all the rest of the toys you have for running! :)

Have a great day!

JavaChick said...

The part about your son bike riding to train for his race made me smile. Sounds like he is really excited - good for him!

Glad to hear you are still hanging in with the not smoking as well. Congrats! That is quite an accomplishment.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

i'm doing a run with my son in Oct too.. i can't wait! that's awesome.... enjoy the weather!!! spring is finally here. here's something to think about :)