I go pick up my DH from the airport this afternoon! We just found out that his partner just resigned and now my DH will be working extra until there is a replacement found. Great... :( That means more trips for him and being on call more. I don't mind about him working so much, it is the constant going out of town for a good chunk of days that I find a problem with. I wish the company would have adequate staffing and then this would not happen.
Today is cross training on the elliptical for 45 mins and 30 mins of wts for me. It was so hard yesterday not to lace up and head out for even a quick easy run, but I stopped the urge and thought about overuse, injuries, and how good it will feel tomorrow. :) The sun was out and it was nice and warm and this week is only going to get better. :) Tomorrow night when I go running with the running room, it may even be just a t-shirt day! :)
Well after my run tomorrow night, I am heading to a movie called "Spirit of the Marathon." It is a one night only showing of this movie/documentary across Canada in main theatres. It shows 5 runners I believe (2 beginner runners, 1 older man that had ran it many times, and two elite runners) and their moments and preparation up to and through the Chicago Marathon. When it showed in the US, there were many positive remarks about it and I was told to bring kleenex. :) It should be a great inspirational movie for me. :)
For the rest of today it is homework, cross training/wts, and some cleaning. Also, as I mentioned before... try to get outside at some pt. :) With the nice temp planned for the day here, it is going to be hard again to fight the urge to run out in it, lol but last week I strayed... and I got a bit sick, so... I must not stray. :)
Still not smoking! :)
Elliptical: 45 mins
wts: 30 mins
I am glad your DH will be home soon, but sorry to hear about the next work. You are right you shouldn't over do it. Stick with the ellipitcal and weights today.
Well I've been MIA for a few days, but I'm all caught up now! Sounds like you've had a busy few days! Good for you running in the snow! I'm not sure I would be up for the challange! Sorry to hear about your son, and Santa. Very thoughtful/sweet of him want to forget about himself to help Suki. Well have a great day, and enjoy your movie. It sounds good! Great job on not smoking!!! WOO-HOO!!! Your kickin BUTT! Literally =)
Welcome home Mr. Htabby! :) How was the show? As good as expected?
Will let you know tonight. :) I am sure it will be after all I heard about it. :)
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