I totally forgot...

... to post!!!! lol  I can't believe I forgot.  It has been such a routine for me to do it in the morning...

Well to sum up the last couple of days what has been happening is that I have completely overindulged in chocolate!!!  Super high pts...  Yesterday was the first day that I managed to get things back on track again. *whew*  So I am quite curious on what is going to happen on wi.  There is going to be another wi challenge for April and I am in.  I have to decide again what will be my goal and how  many APs I will earn.  I surpassed my last expectations last time for the March one but I know things are going to slow down here at some pt....

I am having a bit of a dilemma at the moment.  See, the running room group that I run with on Wed and Sun have voted that they want to do their hill training on Thurs instead of the usual Wed, which I am used to doing the Wed.  I have done the Thurs hills last week on my own and come Sun... I can tell that it was just a bit too close for comfort for me and the hills are going to get harder here... So... I really do not want to give up running with my new running friends but I do not want to suffer in my long runs.  I am going to give it one more shot here and if it causes any grief what so ever on Sun, I will do the hills myself on Wed and Thurs I will run the tempo run by myself.  :(  That leaves me only with Sundays to run with them.  :(  :( *pouting* But I have to do what is best for me and consider that if I push myself too hard and at the wrong times, I will get injured.  The other thing is that the couple of girls that I have been helping me out are really showing signs of struggling and it is all 'overuse' type of signs.  I really think they should stick to the 'program' and stretch out there runs as much as they can. ie - Wed. instead.  The instructor this year is a bit of a teenage 'twit' that cares more about partying than anything else and is telling them to push as hard as they can all the time.  I am really trying to keep my mouth shut here but these girls are going to injure themselves.  I do not want to over rule him and I want them to go to him for advice not me!  I don't know what to do...

Well last night I watched 'The Mist' on dvd.  I read the book before and thought it was good.  The movie was OK but not the best, the ending though was a tragedy and I was impressed by that.  I won't give it away... 

I am going to buy a new leash for my dogs.  It is nice enough now to take one of them out when I run outside.  My oldest, Cleo used to run with my friend and I all the time and just loved it.  Last year I started training Tala to run with my but she was still at the too hyper stage and would zig zag all over.  I generally use the gentle leaders with all three when I take them for walks and have no problem.  I used it with Tala last year to work with her then also.  So, this could be the year that I get her going as I am quite sure that running will be right up her ally! :)

On the sad news... my rat, Suki, is not doing too well again here.  When she tries to jump, she just falls down.  :(  I don't have the heart to put her down right now as it does not look like she is in any pain, and is still responsive to me when I call her.  I know in rat years it is about that time but I am not ready for this.  For those who do not like pet rats... I understand and you do not have to read this, but I have owned all types of small critters and the pet rats have been the best.  They bond, respond to you, know their name, warm, fuzzy, cute... they do not try to run away from you like most others... As far as I am concerned, they are the best pet for a kid that want a small rodent because they are easier to hold and take care of.  You can't take your hamster outside and go places... I heard that in some places that rats are illegal to own (Alberta?)  A shame.

Well, I am still smoke free!  I will update the day # here as soon as I figure it out.  I know I should have this off the top of my head but I feel like I focus on smoking too much then.  I will edit later....


run: steady 5.04km/32:42 mins, avg 6:28km/min, it was on the colder side and wished that I wore more. (2 layers), I started out too fast as I realized too late because I was getting wonky readings from my Garmin (we started beside the buildings) so I had to stop and walk 2x, went for coffee after with a couple members of the group


JavaChick said...

Sorry to hear about Suki. It's never easy to lose a pet. I've never had a rat, but my sister did for a while. It was a cute little critter.

Hang in there with the running - You are right - you have to work out the best schedule for you. You don't want to hurt yourself.

Momma Bear said...

Darn all the Easter Chocolate! I too am fearing the worst at WI tonight!