Snowy day...

Well it looks like today I am going to have to do some shoveling/snowblowing... We had some snow overnight and there is more to come. My husband still has not gotten up yet (it is 9:45 am) and I don't expect him up 'til early afternoon just before he heads to work. As I said in a previous post... MUST be NICE!!!! Yes, a little hostility there. He was, of course and as always, on the computer 'til WAY late AGAIN!

Yesterday I tried to get back into school mode again and was having some problems with typing, my nails were too long. I know, I know... things could be worse, but when you are working on a 13" laptop, it kinda gets hard. I was trying to wait til the last minute because of the money it costs to fill them. It is cheap ($30), but that is $30 I could use for something else right now. I am finally feeling the pinch of not having my old income in the household now. I thought about going back to Avon, but that just took too much of my time away... oh well. I will just have to get some more subbing hours in, somehow...

Yesterday was a better day at not smoking, I am really surprised this time with the cravings for one. This time just seems different. I am attributing it to being on ww. Why? Because of myself making sure that I am eating properly. Yes I have my 'treats', but overall, I eat much better. I was funny 'cause last night I did that 'what is your real age' on a site I came across from a post, and I am doing pretty well! I am surprised actually.

Last night for our 'eat out' night we went to McDonald's. I had a turkey on whole wheat/no sauce or bacon. It was great and filling.

Well I managed to get some good homework done, and today is the same, and hopefully more. I also plan to get some exercises done before I start so that I don't sit there and think about it while I am doing homework. I did not manage to get my Tae Bo or yoga in yesterday, but I will get a good workout today. I feel a run coming on. I did go on the bike though for 60 mins last night while watching the Biggest Loser. :)

run: 30 mins/4.03 km, snowing outside and cold, felt harder in the last 5 mins, set at 8 km/hr
30 min walk
challenge workout

Quit Smoking: Day 4


Marisa_Lyn285 said...

Good choice at McDonalds. Keep it up! :)