An Interesting Night

Well, let's just say that last night was a different night. I witnessed two police vehicles crash into each other. Let's just say that we were almost in the middle of it. The police van was turning on to the road and a K9 unit with lights on I might add, was cruising at a good speed on the road. Then BANG! Both vehicles whirled around and it was done. They were a bit worried about the dog, but I believe he was ok in the end. Just shook up.
After this, I go home and listen to the scanner and another police vehicle got into an accident. Apparently, one pc(police cruiser) slid through a red light going to a call and a car stopped for it. Seconds later another pc goes through the intersection hitting the car that had stopped for the first pc. WOW! The dog in the civilian's car was ok also. The man was taken to hospital but with minor injuries.
Speaking of accidents, my mother was in a 4 vehicle accident on New Years Eve and my step brother is in ICU here in Saskatoon for another mva(motor vehicle accident). We are all hoping the best for him right now.
So, it has been a whirlwind of accidents here, I must say...
Well, I think I have given enough news for the day...I am starting to sound like one of those news reporters.
Catch you later...