A Double day of Yoga....

Call me crazy or what but today I am doing a double header of yoga.  You see it is all part of this 30 yoga classes in 30 days challenge that I have gotten my self into. It has been interesting so far, but I am really noticing a difference in some things with me personally.

During the week I have been going at 6:30 am which has been a bit hard, but on the weekend, I go later on.  Today, I was trying for 3 sessions, but I spent most of my morning here trying to sort something out with my blog that isn't going very well.  I need to just breathe.... lol All will work out right? :)

This weekend marks the end of my second week so far practicing yoga everyday.  The scale doesn't show it as much but the inches sure do!

Which reminds me... A bit of an update on my weight.  Well, I managed to let myself slip back up to 170 lbs at one point but hovered around 165/164 for the longest time.  I tried weightwatchers again, and again.... in fact right now I am signed up yet again here.  My hubby and I though bought Fitbits around New Years this year and have been finding out that they are helping quite a bit.  We have a bit of a challenge going on between the two of us and surprisingly I am winning! ;)  I have lost 11 lbs so far which has put me at 153 with the official starting weight of 164 lbs.

Here's a pic of me during our Christmas holiday this year where the three of us went on a cruise. I will write more about that one later.